/ tedamoh
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A new data model for the data warehouse is necessary, but how do you model data? Understanding temporal data and learning methods and techniques to do so? Or a certification in data modeling?
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Read more …As a long-standing partner of TEDAMOH, we would like to express our enthusiasm and appreciation for the cooperation in our Smart Factory project. One of our outstanding achievements was the successful implementation of a fully automated production line at our plant in Bamberg.

Read more …First of all, I would like to emphasize that preparing for the DMC was a challenging but absolutely rewarding experience. In order to pass the exam successfully, I focused on different methods:

Read more …The training is highly recommended because the complexity and added value of modelling becomes clear. It is also comprehensive and covers all aspects of modelling. Everyone benefits from modelling!

Read more …As a result, the team's knowledge, identification with, and trust in the data model are at a high level. This is very good, because we are facing great challenges on our way to becoming a data-driven company.