
One of my most successful blog posts, the article on generating large sample data with the TPC-H benchmark, receives an update.

In mid-2016, originally just for myself, I wrote a step-by-step guide on how to use the TPC-H benchmark to generate large data sets for testing with Data Vault. Obviously, I filled a gap with this article, as I can't really explain its success.

During coaching sessions, this step-by-step guide has found its way to customers. I still use this extensive sample data to prepare and write a blog post, demo or webinar.

I gathered the little information I had at the time to be able to generate the many gigabytes of test data and summarized it in the article. Now, almost nine years later, it's time to revise the blogpost and bring it up to date.

Since I had published the blogpost "only" in English at that time, I decided to add a German version today.

In addition, I have extended the blogpost so that the large sample data can also be generated with the TPC-H on MacOS.

See you


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