Dieses Buch ist ein MUSS für alle, die an Data Vault interessiert sind und auch für alle die sich für Business Intelligence und (Enterprise) Data Warehouse begeistern.
Es ist aus meiner Sicht toll geschrieben: leicht verständlich und es sind alle Themen rund um Data Vault sehr gut erklärt.

Das Buch baut das Thema durchgängig schlüssig auf.

This book is about agile data warehousing with a focus on the modeling techniques and architectural patterns that support it. This is a guide to data vault modeling and at the same time an exploration of the broader concepts surrounding data warehousing & business intelligence today.

Hans Hultgren

Once in so many years you come across a book that captures the soul of that time. This book by Hans Hultgren truly captures the evolution and state of data warehousing in this time.

Ronald Damhof, Prudenza B.V.

This book … is a timely contribution, laying down the groundwork for some of the most important design patterns in business intelligence. As an industry we have been struggling to adopt Agile because our (traditional) architectures simply couldn’t support it. Now Hultgren has laid down architecture truly in support of Agile data warehousing. From vision to implementation, all the steps are laid out to pursue data warehousing the way it should be done in the 21st century. This book is already a classic!

Tom Breur, Principal, XLNT Consulting

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