FastChangeCo and the Fast Change in a Hybrid Cloud Data Warehouse with elasticity

What is this 20 minute talk about at #BAS19?

The fictitious company FastChangeCo has developed a possibility not only to manufacture Smart Devices, but also to extend the Smart Devices as wearables in the form of bio-sensors to clothing and living beings. With each of these devices, a large amount of (sensitive) data is generated, or more precisely: by recording, processing and evaluating personal and environmental data.

FastChangeCo's business model is not primarily aimed at licensing the technology and selling it profitably. On the contrary, the goal is to use low prices to position the technology as broadly as possible in the market in order to earn money later with a large database.

In order to combine the data into a logical overall view, FastChangeCo has committed itself to a consistent implementation of the information landscape with methods of data modeling. A logical data model maps the necessary business objects as well as their attributes and properties independently of the technology used by a company.

Where, how and with which technology the data of the data warehouse is persisted is not relevant in the logical data model. Only with the development of the physical data models does the technology used become important and thus the physical modelling method.

Come and visit André and myself in out talk, 10th April 2019, 2:10 p.m., at #BAS19 in Berlin.

So long,


P.S.: Use my speaker code in the banner to get 20% discount!

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