Past, present and future, where did I speak and where will I speak at conferences?

Since my calendar fills up more and more with presentations at conferences I'll give you a summary to keep track on it. Some of them are already confirmed, for others I've submitted my abstracts but yet not confirmed.

Upcoming 2015 will be an exciting year for me. Hope to meet you at some of the conferences!

So long,

Upcoming confirmed presentations:


Past presentation at conferences:

  • November 2015: Swiss, Zurich, DW Konferenz Zürich 2015
    • Data, data, metadata – DNA of data architecture (Link)
  • September 2015: Germany, Hamburg, Data Modeling Zone Europe
    • Data Design - A Lovestory - From Source Data to Visual BI, a Client Case Study: Stay Flexible (Agile) with your Data, Data Vault Modeling and Information Design (Link)
  • September 2015: Germany, Stuttgart, reportingimpulse
    • Data Design - Eine Liebesgeschichte (Link)
  • July 2015: Germany, Munich, TDWI Roundtable
    • Flexibilität im Data Warehouse mit Data Vault Modeling (Link)
  • June 2015: Germany, Nuremberg, TDWI Roundtable
    • Flexibilität im Data Warehouse mit Data Vault Modeling
  • June 2015: Germany, Munich, TDWI Conference 2015 Munich
    • Data Design - From Source to Decision
    • Data, data, metadata - DNA of data architecture?
  • June 2015: Germany, Cologne, ITGAIN IM Expertentag
  • May 2015: USA, Vermont, World Wide Data Vault Consortium
    • Temporal Data Warehouse and Data Vault (Link)
  • May 2015: Germany, Frankfurt, ITGAIN IM Expertentag
  • May 2015: Germany, Hamburg, ITGAIN IM Expertentag
  • March 2015: Germany, Frankfurt, Data Vault Day
    • Data, data, metadata – DNA of data architecture? (Link)
    • !! postponed !!
  • February 2015: Germany, Bad Soltau, ITGAIN
  • January 2015: Germany, Paderborn, Univerity of Pderborn, Data modeling (Data Vault) lecture
  • November 2014: Germany, Hamburg, reportingimpulse
  • November 2014: Swiss, Zurich, DW Zurich
  • October 2014: Germany, Frankfurt, Die DING
  • September 2014: Germany, Hamburg,
  • September 2014: Germany, Hamburg, Data Modeling Zone Europe
  • June 2014: Germany, Munich,
  • June 2014: Germany, Munich, TDWI Conference
  • May 2014: Germany, Hannover, TDWI Roundtable
  • April 2014: Germany Frankfurt, TDWI Roundtable

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