Our 25th anniversary roundtable in Frankfurt with FCO-IM was a great success. Almost 90 registrations and more than 60 attendees is an unexpected outcome for a topic that is almost unknown in Germany. If you want to know what happened at the roundtable, read about it in my previous blog post FCO-IM at TDWI Roundtable in Frankfurt.

Marco Wobben, who came a long way to present from Utrecht, Netherlands, did an enlightening talk about Fully Communication Oriented Information Modeling (FCO-IM). After this talk, I’m even more of the opinion that it’s one of the most powerful methods for building conceptual information models.
Some highlights of Marco’s talk were

  • key elements of fact oriented modeling
  • find out facts
  • data modeling with facts
  • full and partly visualizing the model
  • transforming and generating output as SQL, Data Vault DDL and many others

During the talk attendees asked a lot of interesting questions and afterward, with snacks and beer, there were many good discussions about the possibilities attendees saw with this “new” modeling method in their business. Some said, that they could see a way to model data easier than they do it today. Especially the way to talk with domain experts or business departments elicited enthusiasm:

With verbalized facts!Sketch Notes Reflections at TDWI Roundtable with FCO-IM

To capture this 25th roundtable in Frankfurt with FCO-IM, I made sketch notes of Marco Wobben’s talk. Feel free to download the PDF right here, print it and hang it up as a picture.

Save the date for the next TDWI roundtable in Frankfurt on 11 May: Verpasste Chancen – Warum BI Projekte ohne Change Management scheitern.

So long,


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