At the TDWI Conference 2015 in Munich Andreas Wiener (reportingimpulse) and I presented our brandnew idea about Data Design. ITGAIN, the company I'm working for, recorded the talk. Now the video is released! It's a great pleasure to me to present it to you!

DataVaultModeling had the chance to do an interview with the speakers!

DataVaultModeling: "Dear Dirk, dear Andreas, you've presented at this year's TDWI conference the topic Data Design. What can we expect in the recorded video of the lecture? "

Dirk Lerner: "Data Design is a method to deliver [in a company] data from source to the decision in an agile, notation and pattern based way. We show in the talk how to get the two hot topics Information Design and Data Vault which don’t have that much in common at first glance under one roof. Therefore, we use for our presentation the topic Data Design - A love story. Problems which IT and business departments have will be solved."

DataVaultModeling: "How did you came up with this idea?"

Andreas Wiener: "Dirk and I already know each other for several years. We always had a lot of fun. And one evening, we recognized that we use the same methods in our projects. Then we had a closer look at it and noticed that our two skills fits perfectly together. I'm more about the business and Dirk on the IT side."

DataVaultModeling: "Thank you for the explanation, I’m looking forward to the recorded lecture."

For the full (German) video please visit ITGAIN. Just a short registration to get full access.
Free teasers are available at YouTube!

So long


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