
Or the battle announcement of the incoming interface

The BI Center of Competence (CoC) has decided to use bitemporal data storage when setting up a new data warehouse for one of the business units of the fictitious company FastChageCo™.

BI CoC is well advanced in the bitemporal implementation of Data Vault database objects as well as loading patterns. The already connected systems via formally defined incoming interfaces have worked without problems so far.

The business department would therefore like the BI CoC to connect another bitemporal source for the upcoming TimeBox. The first problems arise during the necessary analysis of the source and the definition of the formal source interface: The peculiarities of the data respectively the source question the previous procedure of the bitemporal implementation.

The participants of my talk at the DDVUG Herbsttagung dived into the world of BI CoC at FastCHangeCo™: Unexpectedly, a source crossed its path. It is an affront to the well-defined rules for bitemporal historicization that the BI CoC has established and learned in a training about bitemporal data.

You can browse the handout of the presentation below. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a note.

Have fun,
