In recent weeks I have read so many pessimistic and negative articles and comments in the social media about the state of data modeling in companies in Germany, but also worldwide.

Why? I don't know. I can't understand it.

I know many companies that invest a lot of time in data modeling because they have understood the added value. I know many companies that initially rejected data modeling as a whole, but understood its benefits through convincing and training.

Isn't it the case that we (consultants, managers, project managers, subject-matter experts, etc.) should have a positive influence on data modeling? To support our partners in projects in such a way that data modeling becomes a success? If we ourselves do not believe that data modeling is a success, then who does?

Perhaps I am a dreamer here: but from my experience I firmly believe that with sufficient perseverance, good training including practical exercises, everyone in a company understands the added value of data modeling.

Isn't it the case that we (consultants, managers, project managers, technical experts, etc.) sometimes want more than is possible? The perfect world of data modeling and data architecture? Yes, I would like that too.
But, and this is a big one: there is still the real world. The world in which our partners live and work in projects on a daily base. The world of large corporations, start-ups, family businesses! It is not possible to change this world from now on. It is often a long process of change. And we have to accompany it. With our positive attitude to data modeling! Always bringing our partners back on the road to data modeling, as often as this will be abandoned.

I always work with my partners in the projects to highlight the positive aspects of data modeling and the great added value. Just as I show my children the way through the world in a positive light every day.

The companies are not senior master super duper experts in data modeling and data architecture. There is a degree of maturity here as well as in all other professions. I adjust to this degree of maturity and take my partners in the projects exactly at the point where they are in the degree of maturity. Is it the wrong expectation that leads to the negative expressions in the social media?

Yes, I am a dreamer: I take the time and energy to first convince my partners in the projects, then train them and introduce them to data modeling, coach them over a long period of time and hopefully succeed in the end. Changing habits in a company is only possible in small, often atomic steps. I believe in data modeling and am deeply convinced of it. I hope that data modeling will be recognized as something positive.

At the TDWI conference in Munich last month, I talked to a young woman for a long time, just finished her studies. She was so excited and enthusiastic about data modeling because she sees the value in her focus on data analysis and machine learning.
This confirms me the positive way to go on and also to inspire young people for this topic.

Stay positive!

So long,


P.S.: And no, it's not the tools with their individual flaws that prevent us from modeling data.

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