• Tedamoh


    What customers say about us

TEDAMOH - Entertaining DMC Webinars

The webinar series prepares you for the DMC certification in an entertaining way. Many questions, helpful exchange between the participants. And Dirk, who always seems to know the answer!

The realization of the 1st webinar package for the preparation for the Data Modeling Certification was a lot of fun and pleasure for all participants and especially for myself. Sharing the knowledge and skills around the methods and concepts of data modeling is a matter close to my heart.

A few quotes from attendees on the webinars in the 1st webinar package in 2021!

The field of data modeling is very large. Often you only pay attention to the part in which you are currently engaged and lose the architectural thinking. The webinar prepares you well and with humor for the questions of the certification.

The individual units are entertaining because you deal with the questions (of the certification) and so you work out the subjects together very easily.

Dirk prepares the webinars well and enjoys sharing his knowledge. The webinars are necessary to prepare for the Data Modeling Certification exam, as questions are asked here that you don't have in your daily work.