An EXASOL Webinar serie

We are back again after a long time, with a new webinar. The last one, we (Mathias and I) did together is almost four years ago. Time flies by! What's up this time?

The fictitious company FastChangeCoTM has developed a possibility not only to manufacture Smart Devices, but also to extend the Smart Devices as wearables in the form of bio-sensors to clothing and living beings. With each of these devices, a large amount of (sensitive) data is generated, or more precisely: by recording, processing and evaluating personal and environmental data.

Based on this data, FastChangeCoTM aims to make forward-looking decisions and develop innovative services. On the one hand, this is intended to encourage customers to make targeted purchases, but also to significantly improve the quality of existing products and develop future products.
In order to combine the data into a logical overall view, FastChangeCoTM has committed itself to a consistent implementation of the information landscape with methods of data modeling. A logical data model maps the necessary business objects as well as their attributes and properties independently of the technology used by a company.
Where, how and with which technology the data of the data warehouse is persisted is not relevant in the logical data model. Only with the development of the physical data models does the technology used become important and thus the physical Data Vault modelling method.

By the way: You can download the complete article (in German), associated to the webinar, here:

In this webinar serie presented by EXASOL, we will show you how FastChangeCo has achieved its goals with methods of data modeling and by rapidly building the required computing capacity in its Hybrid Cloud Data Warehouse architecture using existing enterprise technologies. The elasticity thus achieved contributes significantly to a cost-efficient solution.

So long,


Schedule Webinar

   Session 1: Concepts and methods used by FastChangeCo
 English  Feb. 19 at 6pm CET  Register
 German  Feb. 21 at 9am CET  Register
   Session 2: Deep dive into the technology
 English  Feb. 27 at 6pm CET  Register
 German  Feb. 28 at 9am CET  Register