You may have received an e-mail invitation from EXASOL or from ITGAIN inviting you to our forthcoming webinar, such as this:

Do you have difficulty incorporating different data sources into your current database? Would you like an agile development environment? Or perhaps you are using Data Vault for data modeling and are facing performance issues?
If so, then attend our free webinar entitled “Data Vault Modeling with EXASOL: High performance and agile data warehousing.” The 60-minute webinar takes place on July 15 from 10:00 to 11:00 am CEST.

If you are interested, you read more about it on ITGAIN’s website or on this page on EXASOL’s website.

So, what’s on offer?

Mathias Brink from EXASOL and I will talk about how my fictitious company FastChangeCo builds its data warehouse.  We’ll explain Data Vault basics and show a demonstration that transforms TPC-H benchmark results (source system) into a data warehouse core Data Vault data model, based on what we wrote about in my blogpost High-performance Data Vault which explains more.

Following the webinar, we will share the recording, all sources and the data right here on my blog!
That way, you’ll be free to watch the webinar again, give the demonstration a try yourself using a copy of EXASOL’s free community edition.  Stay tuned!

Mathias and I are very excited about the webinar and we look forward to meeting you in the online session.  We’re already expecting over 100 attendees to take part, so please join them!

Register online

Date: July 15, 2016

Time: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. CEST


So long,
