
Introduction to Fact-Oriented Modeling

How can I use natural language in my modeling process to achieve high-quality information models?

Data Vault Dimension-Ids

Resilient and temporally correct dimension Id’s for fact as well as dimension tables

In a dimensional data model based on a Data Vault data model, are integer values still necessary as dimension Id’s? And if so, how can the dimension Id’s be provided correctly?

An EXASOL Webinar serie

We are back again after a long time, with a new webinar. The last one, we (Mathias and I) did together is almost four years ago. Time flies by! What's up this time?

The fictitious company FastChangeCoTM has developed a possibility not only to manufacture Smart Devices, but also to extend the Smart Devices as wearables in the form of bio-sensors to clothing and living beings. With each of these devices, a large amount of (sensitive) data is generated, or more precisely: by recording, processing and evaluating personal and environmental data.

In recent weeks I have read so many pessimistic and negative articles and comments in the social media about the state of data modeling in companies in Germany, but also worldwide.

Why? I don't know. I can't understand it.

I know many companies that invest a lot of time in data modeling because they have understood the added value. I know many companies that initially rejected data modeling as a whole, but understood its benefits through convincing and training.

Isn't it the case that we (consultants, managers, project managers, subject-matter experts, etc.) should have a positive influence on data modeling? To support our partners in projects in such a way that data modeling becomes a success? If we ourselves do not believe that data modeling is a success, then who does?

A few weeks ago I received a surprisingly open and honest feedback on my recently published article "13 tips ...". I never ever expected that! After a short email exchange, I was allowed to publish the feedback anonymously. Below is the incredible feedback[3]. You see, you are not alone with the challenges of a Data Vault project:

Hi Dirk

Thanks for sending me the English version of the paper. I'm based in […] [1] and Data Vault is not generally established here yet.

Or how to successfully destroy every level of the data warehouse

Are you pampered with success and tired of the eternal pat on the back? You don't want to be so successful with your first attempt at implementing a Data Vault project that all your colleagues become jealous?

Months ago I talked to Stephan Volkmann, the student I mentor, about possibilities to write a seminar paper. One suggestion was to write about Information Modeling, namely FCO-IM, ORM2 and NIAM, siblings of the Fact-Orietented Modeling (FOM) family. In my opinion, FOM is the most powerful technique for building conceptual information models, as I wrote in a previous blogpost Sketch Notes Reflections at TDWI Roundtable with FCO-IM.