Discuss a data model

This year’s European Data Modeling Zone (DMZ) will take place at the wonderful German capital Berlin and I’m very happy to be again speaker at this great event! This year I’ll speak about how to start with a conceptual model, using a logical model and finally how to model the physical Data Vault. During this session we will do some exercises (no, no push-ups!!) to bring our brains up and running about modeling.

Last week in June I was at the TDWI Conference 2016 at Munich. ITGAIN, my employer, had as a platin sponsor a booth to present our products and services!

In my point of view, it was another great TDWI conference at Munich with a lot of awesome people I could talk with - including an interesting discussion about data architecture with Mark (Madsen) and all the nonsense happening in the Big Data world.

Past, present and future, where did I speak and where will I speak at conferences?

Since my calendar fills up more and more with presentations at conferences I'll give you a summary to keep track on it. Some of them are already confirmed, for others I've submitted my abstracts but yet not confirmed.


Do you want to learn something about data modelling with Steve Hoberman? You want to explore new methods like Data Vault 2.0, Anchor Modeling, Data Design, DMBOK and many more? E.g. a keynote where Dan Linstedt, Lars Rönnbäck and Hans Hultgren talks together, and another one with Bill Inmon?

Last week, there was it again. A meeting of Data Vault geeks and interested people in Data Vault! And again in the wonderful area of Vermont, USA. But these year we hat +30°C compared to last year’s -20°C. In Stowe, Vermont, the conference was held in the wonderful Trapp Family Lodge. To give you some more insights I’ll embed some of the tweets. If you want read the full timeline, go here!

Zum ersten Mal gibt es in Deutschland den Data Vault Day, am 11. März 2015. Das BI-Podium bringt uns einen ganzen Tag nur Data Vault, pures Data Vault :-) .

Auch Dan Linstedt, Begründer der Data Vault Methode, wird dabei sein. Lasst euch nicht die Chance entgehen ihn Live zu hören. Es ist eine der wenigen Möglichkeiten in Deutschland. Darüber hinaus könnt ihr direkt, mit ihm selbst, in den Networking-Slots reden, Fragen stellen oder euch einfach ein Autogramm geben lassen.

Oder wie ich einen HotSpot erstellte!

Manchmal ist es merkwürdig mit den Konferenzhotels. Genau in diesem Moment sitze ich in einem, mit in Deutschland. Überall drumherum gibt es LTE, nur hier im Hotel Edge. Hmm, „OK“ denkt sich der erfahrene Hotelgast, kein Problem: Schließlich gibt es kostenloses WLAN.

Ha, ja, das gibt es, aber nicht in den Zimmern oder nur bei richtige Windrichtung und Wetterlage. So der Haustechniker. Nunja, da habe ich wohl gerade das falsche Wetter erwischt.

Past, present and future, where did I speak and where will I speak at conferences?

Since my calendar fills up more and more with presentations at conferences I'll give you a summary to keep track on it. Some of them are already confirmed, for others I've submitted my abstracts but yet not confirmed.