A few weeks ago I received a surprisingly open and honest feedback on my recently published article "13 tips ...". I never ever expected that! After a short email exchange, I was allowed to publish the feedback anonymously. Below is the incredible feedback[3]. You see, you are not alone with the challenges of a Data Vault project:

Hi Dirk

Thanks for sending me the English version of the paper. I'm based in […] [1] and Data Vault is not generally established here yet.

Oder wie Sie erfolgreich jede Ebene des Data Warehouse torpedieren

Sie sind erfolgsverwöhnt und haben das ewige Schulterklopfen satt? Sie wollen nicht auch noch bei Ihrem ersten Versuch zur Umsetzung eines Data-Vault-Projekts so erfolgreich sein, dass alle Kollegen neidisch werden?

In July 2016 Mathias Brink and I had given a webinar how to implement Data Vault on a EXASOL database. Read more about in my previous blogpost or watch the recording on Youtube.

Afterward I became a lot of questions per our webinar. I’ll now answer all questions I got till today. If you have further more questions feel free to ask via my contact page,via Twitter, or write a comment right here.

On July 15, Mathias Brink and I ran a webinar about Data Vault on EXASOL, modeling and implementation. The webinar started with an overview of the concepts of Data Vault Modeling and how Data Vault Modeling enables agile development cycles. Afterwards, we showed a demo that transformed the TPC-H data model into a Data Vault data model and how you can then query the data out of the Data Vault data model. The results were then compared with the original queries of the TPC-H.
